The RFL wrote to all members of the Rugby League Council on Tuesday afternoon (March 11) to confirm that the four Resolutions proposed by Members had been passed by proxy – and it had therefore been agreed to cancel the scheduled Council meeting.
The first two of these Resolutions involved the removal of RFL Chair Simon Johnson and Senior Non-Executive Director Sandy Lindsay.
Sandy Lindsay had already submitted her resignation on January 28, which was accepted by the RFL Board on February 28; and Simon Johnson confirmed his resignation on March 11.
As per the third resolution, Derek Beaumont of Leigh Leopards and Gary Hetherington of Leeds Rhinos will now appoint the Chair of an Implementation Committee to conduct a review of the sport – with the findings to be reported to and approved at the next scheduled Council meeting in July 2025.
The Implementation Committee will constitute club representatives alongside RFL Board representation - and “it is in the interests of the game for the review to be transparent, well structured, fairly conducted and rigorous in both its delivery and the reporting of findings”. The Chair of the Implementation Committee will be installed as Interim Chair of the RFL until July.
With the RFL Board now consisting of two independent Non-Executive Directors – Dr Cherrie Daley and Julia Newton – in addition to the RFL Ceo Tony Sutton, and the Interim Chair, it has been agreed that the process of recruiting a Senior Independent NED should begin immediately.
Both that process, and the recruitment for the permanent RFL Chair position (to be commenced following the July Council meeting) will follow a rigorous and transparent procedure, in line with procedures followed for appointment of previous RFL Chairs and in accordance with the Code for Sports Governance.